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Showing posts from October, 2021

Chronology for Sulzer RT-fl ex engines

  1981:        First tests with electronically-controlled  fuel injection on                    a Sulzer low-speed engine,  using individual,                                        hydraulically-operated  fuel injection pumps. 1990 Mar: World’s first multi-cylinder electronically                                            controlled  uniflow two-stroke engine is  started on the                          Winterthur test bed. Tested  until 1995. 1993:         Project started to develop the Sulze  RT-fl ex common-                     ...

Catalyst Fins (cat fines)

Catalyst fins (cat fines) are often found in heavy fuel oils. They are a common cause of high piston ring and cylinder liner wear in low speed engines. If fuel containing cat fins is bunkered, they must be removed before reaches the engine. Cat fins are found by an analysis of the aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si) content of the fuel oil. An aluminum and silicon of up to 15mg/kg is tolerable after treatment at engine inlet. EFFECTS OF CATALYST FINS: Sudden emergence of excessive piston ring and cylinder liner wear in low speed engine on all cylinder is often caused by cat fines in the fuel oil. The presence of cat fines can be recognized by erosion on the spill valve stem of the fuel pump and by the numerous particles found embedded in the graphite flakes of the running surfaces on microscopic examination of rings and liner replicas. Cat fines primarily cause three body abrasion of ring and liner, but some are retained in the graphite flakes of the metal surface and these continue to abra...

Why Common Rail is Used? Advantages?

  Drastic smoke reduction at part load Possibilities to reduce torsional vibration Reduced fuel consumption at part load Possibilities to reduce emissions Lower minimum engine speed Better maneuverability Easy engine de-rating Individual tunings High precision on related systems (Cyl. Lub)