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How will you prepare your ship for a renewal survey of IAPPC (International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate)? Explain with specific emphasis on the records and documents to be maintained?

MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from ships applies to all ships greater than or equal to 400 gross tonnages and to have an IAPP ( For renewal survey of IAPP certificate the following things as per Annex VI should be considered. Prior to issuance of certificate the flag state or will need to confirm compliance with the applicable regulations contained within the annex. The certificate continuity validity will require annual, intermediate and renewal surveys to be satisfactorily carried out.

For renewal of IAPP certificate preparation will lie in the fact that
the vessel is complying with the regulations of annex VI. So, preparation regarding different regulations under Annex VI will be:-
  1. Regulation 12:- Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)
This regulation does not apply to permanently sealed equipment where there is no refrigerant charging connection. Subject to this regulation any deliberate emission of ODS shall be prohibited.
Also, after 19 may 2005 any installation which contains ODS other that HCFC is prohibited. Installation containing HCFC is permitted till 1st January 2020.
Records and documents to be maintained:-
a) A list of equipment containing ODS should be maintained.
b) If the ship has any rechargeable system containing ODS, then an ODS record book should be maintained. This record book shall be approved by the administration.
c) Entries in ODS record book shall be recorded in terms of mass(kg) of substance in respect of
i) Recharge of equipment
ii) Repair or maintenance
iii) Discharge of ODS to the atmosphere either deliberate or non-deliberate
iv) Discharge of ODS to land-based facilities
v) Supply of ODS to ship

2. Regulation 13: – Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
a. Check all engines are certified and have the necessary documents.
b. Sight the EIAPP certificate and Check that an approved Technical file is maintained and include onboard verification procedure for all applicable diesel engines on board.
c. Verify the Record book of engine parameters for all diesel engines is updated. Check that the following is updated in the file:
- changes to NOx emission-related adjustable engine settings
- changes to NOx emission-related engine components.
d. Confirm that NOX influencing components for diesel engines are provided with the manufacturer's identification code.
e. Confirm NOx emission-related engine settings for diesel engines in the order.

3. Regulation 14:- Sulphur Oxides SOx

a. Verify that the sulfur content of fuels is not above 3.5%, m/m and for fuels to be used inside SECAs is not above 1%.m/m
b. Confirm satisfactory installation and documentation for fuel switching arrangements between low and normal sulfur content fuel.
c. Verify the log-book for the operation of fuel oil systems with low-sulphur fuel oils (SECA), which is updated and in compliance.
d. Verify operation of Exhaust gas cleaning system, if fitted.

4. Regulation 15:- VOC
a. Applicable for tankers only when entering ports where this is
required. Verify VOC return system certification and Vapour emission control system manual on board.
b. Confirm the condition of the vapour collection system. Check Vapour collecting piping including drains and valves, marking and flanges at manifold. Test level gauging system, overflow control systems including visual and audible alarms, and high and low-pressure alarms.

5. Regulation 16:- Shipboard Incineration
a. Get an overview of Incinerators requiring type approval Incinerator installed after 2000-01-01to be approved according to resolution MEPC.
b. Check the Certificate and operation manual on board.
c. Verify satisfactory operation Check proper functioning of Alarm and Trips
d. Verify instruction for operation posted, warning and instruction plates, and that manufacturers name, incinerator model number/type, and capacity in heat units per hour is permanently marked on the incinerator.
e. Check drip trays under burners, pumps and strainers should be free of oil deposits.
f. Checklist of materials not to be incinerated is posted near the

6. Regulation 18: – Fuel Oil Quality
a. Verify bunker delivery notes onboard and with correct content.
b. Verify that each bunker delivery note is accompanied by a representative sample.
c. Samples to be kept on board until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, and for minimum of 12 months. Every BDN is to be accompanied by a representative MARPOL sample of min.400 ml. The label of the sample should be traceable to the BDN.
d. Sampling shall be drawn continuously throughout the bunker period as per MEPC.96(47).
e. Confirm satisfactory storage of fuel oil samples in a safe storage location, outside the ship’s accommodation, where personnel would not be exposed to vapors which may be released from the sample.
f. The BDN must be stored onboard for three years after the delivery. It is advised that an inventory is made to help to find sample bottles and BDNs.
g. Verify that BDN's are provided for all bunker operations, recorded in E/R logbook and or Oil Record book, and that content of sulphur is below the required limits of 0.5% (worldwide) and 0.1% (ECA).




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