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Showing posts from March, 2019

Difference Between Treaty, Convention & Protocol?

Treaty: It is written agreements between two states(bilateral) or between a number of states (multilateral), which is binding in international law Treaties are binding only those states which are parties to the convention Treaties are generally first drafted, adopted by a conference, then signed for ratification or accession Convention: Means coming together for a common objective Multilateral treaty documents Chief instruments, legal binding Are identified by a name and year of adoption It contained detailed technical provisions attached in annexes May have technical provisions in associated code A member state which ratifies or accedes to a convention is obliged to give effect to it by  making it in national laws Protocol: Are important treaty instruments made when major amendments are required to be made to a convention which though already adopted, has not entered into force.

Procedure for Rescue from Enclosed Spaces

The person standing by outside space informs duty officer on the bridge, if contact is lost with person(s) inside enclosed space. Duty officer sounds emergency alarm and makes an announcement on the P.A. system. All hands muster at stations as per emergency plan. Headcount and report to bridge. Collect relevant equipment and proceed to the scene of incident. At the entrance to the enclosed space, prepare a resuscitation unit. When approved by Squad Leader, enter the space to rescue. A responsible person outside the enclosed space to remain in communication with rescuers. Other members of the emergency squad are detailed to:                   A. Carry/rig safety harness and rescue line at entrance and place spare SCBA's and air bottles at entrance.                                                    ...

Procedure for Evacuation of Critical Injured Personnel

Make the area around the injured person safe to prevent further injuries. Ensure that the respiratory passage is open. If unconscious, with loss of respiration, loss of heartbeat, give first aid, such as artificial respiration and heart compression. (CPR) Stop serious bleedings. (Apply Pressure Bandages ) Keep the injured warm. (TPA or Warm Blanket) Do not move him unless he is in a position of danger. The following parties must be notified immediately:                            i. Head office (D.P.A) - who will contact P & I club.                           ii. Maritime rescue coordination centre (MRCC) - who will contact shipping and other sources of assistance in the vicinity.    iii. AMVER (Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System) - who will provide assistance and information regarding vessels in the vi...

Management & Its Function

Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources.  Management has the following 3 characteristics: It is a process or series of continuing and related activities. It involves and concentrates on reaching organizational goals. It reaches these goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. Functions of management:- Planning Organizing Staffing Directing  Controlling. For theoretical purposes, it may be convenient to separate the function of management but practically these functions are overlapping in nature i.e. they are highly inseparable. Planning: It is deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre determined goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-human resources....

Title 5: Compliance & Enforcement

5.1 – Flag State responsibilities Purpose: To ensure that each Member implements its responsibilities under this Convention with respect to ships that fly its flag Each Member shall establish clear objectives and standards covering the administration  of its inspection and certification systems, as well as adequate overall procedures  for its assessment of the extent to which those objectives and standards are being attained. Each Member shall require all ships that fly its flag to have a copy of this  Convention available on board. 5.1.2 – Authorization of recognized organizations 1. For the purpose of recognition in accordance with paragraph 1 of Regulation  5.1.2, the competent authority shall review the competency and independence of the  organization concerned and determine whether the organization has demonstrated, to the extent necessary for carrying out the activities covered by the authorization conferred  on it, that the orga...

Title 4: Health Protection, Medical Care, Welfare & Security Protection

4.1 – Medical care on board ship and ashore Purpose: To protect the health of seafarers and ensure their prompt access to medical care on board ship and ashore. Each Member shall ensure that measures providing for health protection and medical care, including essential dental care, for seafarers working on board a ship that  flies its flag are adopted which:                                                                                                                      (a) ensure the application to seafarers of any general provisions on occupational health protection and medical care relevant to their duties, as well as of special provisions specific to work on board ship;...

MAN B&W Engine Type Designation

We always hear this statement or tell others that: "Oh i have worked  on 10S80ME engine on my last ship" or "my last ship was propelled by SULZER RTA 68 -7-flex engine" Now do we really understand what the above statement means or what are we talking about? We have worked on different types of MAN and Sulzer engines in the past and will continue to do so.  We have come across so many engine designations and types in our past, but how many of us know exactly what these designations mean?  MAN B&W Engine Type Designation 10 S 90 M E - C9 - GI - EGRBP 10      - Number of cylinders S        - Stroke/bore ratio {G   'Green' ultra long stroke                                          S    Super long stroke                           ...