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MEO Class 4

  • Type of engine
  • Specification, MC-C stands for
  • Lubrication in Engine
  • Crosshead Lubrication
  • How will we know Starting Air valve is leaking During Manoeuvring 
  • Engine Fails to Start On Air Reasons
  • Bursting disc Explain
  • LT & HT corrosion
  • Framo system
  • Why IG used
  • For which cargo we need IG
  • IG requirement as per Deadweight of the ship
  • The indication of Demister Fouled in Scrubber?
  • Reasons for Hyd. oil Contamination 
  • Magnetic filter purpose
  • Working of an Exhaust valve, how to ensure valve rotation, 
  • scavenge fire and actions, reasons for scavenge fire 
  • crankcase inspection of generator 
  • air compressor safeties
  • gear pump overhaul
  • boiler safeties, 
  • fusible plugs and what all places they are used, fusible plug in a boiler, 
  • you are on watch black out occurs your course of action, as per regulation in how many seconds the standby generator must start, 
  • broken stud removal techniques, 
  • what major overhauls you did onboard specifically wanted to know if generator decarb was done i said no , he dint bother to ask about main engine decarb 

  • What is load line, freeboard , the importance of freeboard , draw loadline
  • Emergency fire pump requirements 
  • Mlc and its contents , requirements of work hour resthour , minimum rest required per week 
  • Marpol annexes 
  • Engineroom bilge discharge criteria in special and out of a special area ,
  • Special areas?
  • What should be the minimum length and min pressure of jet from furthers hose as per solas ,
  • Safeties on fire main ,
  • Inspection of fire main ,
  • Difference b/w 2s and 4s piston, cross questions. 
  • Fuel injector pressure test all types with safeties and PPE, cross question. 
  • Bearing clearances, all 3. 
  • Thin and thick shell bearing. Material composition, 3 layers advantages and disadvantages. 
  • Lubrication of crosshead. 
  • Scavenge fire reasons,  your actions. 
  • Wet and dry sump. 
  • 2 and 4 s piston cooling. 
  • Why we can't take power card in 4s.
  • ALL about exhaust valve overhauling
  • Preparation & extraction,Hydraulic jack dig, working  & cross questions
  • e/r crane Safeties, SWL, inspection and measurements to take, 
  • Draw-bilge line v/v , globe valve, sdnr valve, gate valve

  • Aux eng. Fuel Injector overhauled and checking
  • Liner wear-why  PS Side have more wear than FA
  • NDT
  • Centrifugal Pump
  • Cavitation in the pump, HQ curve
  • Meat room temp Increases-reasons
  • How will u Remove moisture from a system
  • Com. Short cycling reasons
  • L.o Test, Lo properties nd additives 
  • Mechanical seal Dia,
  • CENTRIFUGAL pump overhauling, checks 
  • Fuel injector testing
  • Purifier not desludge
  • Ndt, dp test

  • Avr 
  • How to start a gen without residual magnetism
  • Insulation tests on a motor 


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