Below Procedure will come very handy for seafarers which have to deposits any particular fees for anything related to MMD's in India. As MMD's is going for all online transaction to ease up the process. And it might save your 100-200 Rupees which you will pay to the shops outside of MMD's if you dont know these things for on-line payment. If i got anything wrong, feel free to connect us at and plz share this post as it might be useful for others also. Follow below steps for on-line transaction : 1. Open the NTRP site by: 2. Choose Non-Registered Users.Also, you can register by Login, by creating ID and Password. 3. Select Depositors category as Individual or Autonomous body or PSU or Ministry, Department etc for Seafarers select Individual . 4. Click on Search button on Purpose , in ministry select Shipping and Search. 5. Select Payment to your concerned M...
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